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About Global Interaction



Global Interaction is passionate to nurture and see growing, vibrant faith communities emerging among least-reached people groups.

It is Global Interaction’s mission statement “Empowering communities to develop their own distinctive ways of following Jesus” that drew us to them. We saw this mission statement being worked out in the lives of other cross cultural workers that are currently living among some of the least-reached people groups. The approach is holistic mission where we will commit to live, learn language and culture as relationships are built and word and deed are exercised.

Global Interaction works amongst 9 least-reached people groups throughout Asia and Africa. It has a rich history of partnering with Australian Baptist Churches for over 150 years.

Global Interaction’s vision is to:

  • Share the Gospel with nine people groups in Africa and Asia who have never heard the truth of Jesus in a way that makes sense to them and see growing, vibrant faith communities established.
  • Engage you and your church in cross-cultural mission. We provide resources to inspire and educate you about local and global mission. We share opportunities to support our ministry through praying, giving and going to serve with us.

Global Interaction values:

  • Dependence on God
    We value discerning God’s unique leading and direction, and we commit to a faith filled response
  • Contextualised Gospel
    We value expressing faith in Jesus in ways that make it understandable and accessible within different cultures
  • Innovation
    We value creative thinking and appropriate risk-taking
  • Authentic Relationships
    We value genuine relationships based on respect, trust, compassion, honesty
  • Teamwork
    We value people working together for a common goal
  • Sustainability
    We value ministry and practice to deliver long-term Kingdom benefits
  • Life-long learning
    We value continual, focused and intentional learning and development that equips and resources each person for life and ministry

You can find out more about the work of Global Interaction around the world here